Creating an annual report

Annual reports They are like the icing on the cake of a business model. It is important to demonstrate to owners, business partners and shareholders the hard work and achieved goals of the previous business year. Only then can this be presented in a transparent, useful and aesthetic way.

Grafično oblikovanje

The annual report is the icing on the cake

When you decide to create an annual report, you need to choose a partner like us. We have extensive experience in demanding breaks, we consider new trends in graphic design and we are very reliable about production dateSo what sets us apart:

  • Compliance with existing CGP

  • Excellent graphic design

  • Performing the most challenging breaks

  • Creating the most complex infographics and tables

  • Preparation for print or online presentation

  • Press organization

Slovenske železnice letno poročilo naslovna

Creating an annual report – Slovenian Railways

When designing the printed material, we paid attention to the existing image. The design of typical pages and infographics was subordinated to minimalism, good ergonomics and transparency. The annual report is not just a review of dry data that interests shareholders, but is a reflection and crown of visual communication. You can view the full report here.

Reference projects

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The solution is usually not far away.

One simple call is enough to clarify many things. If you have questions regarding the visibility of your corporate visual identity or if you'd like to refresh it without the fear of losing recognition, we are the right choice for you. We are also happy to advise you on graphic design, website ergonomics, and more.

ART Design
visual communications and publishing

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