Graphic design price list

Price list graphic design ranks by company size:

Cenik grafičnega oblikovanja

Smaller companies

Companies with up to 2 employees. Start-up companies. Charities, clubs and societies

Cenik grafičnega oblikovanja ikona M

Larger companies

From 3 to 15 employees, organizations with more than 50 members.

Cenik grafičnega oblikovanja ikona L

Large companies

With at least 15 employees, organizations with more than 100 members.

Basic corporate identity

Designed and created logo with all definitions:

  • The relationships between elements and color variations are defined.
  • Occurrence in 4-color offset printing
  • Logo visibility in the Pantone color space
  • Logo appearance in raster format
  • Monochromatic variant, which is necessary for making cutouts, engravings, making stamps

Designed business stationery:

  • Correspondence sheet
  • Business card
  • Envelope
  • Defined typography
  • Manual in written and electronic form

Informative price:

Cenik grafičnega oblikovanja

1.000 €

Cenik grafičnega oblikovanja ikona M

1.600 €

Cenik grafičnega oblikovanja ikona L

2.500 €

Expanded corporate identity

It contains the same elements as the basic version, plus:

  • Marking and routing
  • Applications on a passenger or commercial vehicle
  • Promotional flags
  • Business folder
  • Stamp
  • Advertisement

Informative price:

Cenik grafičnega oblikovanja

1.500 €

Cenik grafičnega oblikovanja ikona M

2.500 €

Cenik grafičnega oblikovanja ikona L

€4,500 or by agreement

The preparation of a draft for the creation of the integrated graphic identity is charged to the client in advance in the amount of 10% of the contractual value of the order. In the case of an order and actual implementation, the amount is considered part of the payment to the client.

Website creation

Basic package

A presentation that contains a basic presentation of a company or activity. It mainly contains simply designed and static elements of a web presentation (mostly text, but also images, links, etc.). It is intended to present an individual product or service.

Range up to 8 subpages

Informative price:

500 €

Simple package

A presentation that contains content-organized subpages. It contains a creative design approach. The presentation includes subpages with simple descriptions of products or activities. On the WordPress platform - the user can add content themselves.

Range up to 15 subpages

Informative price:

Cenik grafičnega oblikovanja

950 €

Cenik grafičnega oblikovanja ikona M

1.300 €

Cenik grafičnega oblikovanja ikona L

1.800 €

Demanding package

In addition to the elements of a simple web presentation, it also contains more complex animations, simple e-forms and applications, and dynamic content with simple scripts. On the WordPress platform - the user can add content themselves.

Range up to 30 subpages

Informative price:

Cenik grafičnega oblikovanja

1.650 €

Cenik grafičnega oblikovanja ikona M

2.400 €

Cenik grafičnega oblikovanja ikona L

2.900 €

Website creation does not include photography, purchasing photographic materials, translation and proofreading of texts. We can offer all of the above as an option. Website creation also does not include website hosting services and technical and content maintenance.

Creating an online store

Informative price for the basic module

The offer includes setting up an online store based on the WooCommerce platform and setting up basic modules. Tax rates, postage rates, and a "cash on delivery" payment system for services or products are also set. The site is ready for product entry.

Informative price:

Cenik grafičnega oblikovanja

700 €

Cenik grafičnega oblikovanja ikona M

950 €

Cenik grafičnega oblikovanja ikona L

from €1,200 onwards

Basic + PayPal setup

The offer includes setting up an online store based on the WooCommerce platform and setting up basic modules. Tax rates, postage rates, and a payment system for services or products "on delivery" and the PayPal system are also set. The price also includes opening a PayPal account and connecting the website to this system. The page is ready for product entry.

Informative price:

Cenik grafičnega oblikovanja

1.300 €

Cenik grafičnega oblikovanja ikona M

1.800 €

Cenik grafičnega oblikovanja ikona L

from €2,200 onwards

Basic + PayPal + Credit Card Payment

The offer includes setting up an online store based on the WooCommerce platform and setting up basic modules. Tax rates, postage rates, and a payment system for services or products "on delivery" and the PayPal system are also set. The price also includes opening an account and connecting the website to the system. The price also includes connecting and setting up payment via credit cards. The page is ready for product entry.

Informative price:

Cenik grafičnega oblikovanja

1.850 €

Cenik grafičnega oblikovanja ikona M

2.300 €

Cenik grafičnega oblikovanja ikona L

from €2,800 onwards

Creating an online store does not include photography, purchasing photographic materials, translation, or proofreading. We can offer all of the above as an option.

Advertising campaigns


It contains the creative design of one ad and up to 2 banners for electronic media.

Informative price:

from €562 onwards


It includes creative advertising design and the design of 2 ads with similar content, a package of 2 banners for electronic media, and a double-sided flyer.

Informative price:

from €770 onwards


It includes creative advertising design with an emphasis on a series of 3 conceptual ads and an equivalent series of banners for electronic media. The offer also includes marketing consulting.

Informative price:

from €1,300 onwards

It does not include photography, purchasing photographic materials, translation and proofreading of texts, and printing. We can offer all of the above as an option.



Conceptual design and design realization of the label according to the existing series criteria.

Informative price:

from €650 onwards


Conceptual design and design realization of a series of labels for up to 5 similar products.
Making a model.

Informative price:

from €1,700 onwards


Development of new packaging and creative design and design realization of up to 8 series of labels in the new brand.

Informative price:

from €2,900 onwards

It does not include photography, purchasing photographic materials, translation and proofreading of texts, and printing. We can offer all of the above as an option.



It includes the creative and content design of the catalog, design realization and preparation for printing. Estimated volume of 8 A4 pages.

Informative price:

from €900 onwards


It includes creative and content design of the catalog, design realization, and preparation for printing.
Estimated volume 18 A4 pages.

Informative price:

from €1,200 onwards


It includes the creative and content design of the catalog, design realization, and preparation for printing. Estimated volume of 36 A4 pages.

Informative price:

from €1,700 onwards

It does not include photography, purchasing photographic materials, translation and proofreading of texts, and printing. We can offer all of the above as an option.

Annual report


It includes creative design, design realization of a medium-demanding layout, and preparation for printing.
Estimated volume 50 pages.

Informative price:

from €1,800 onwards


It includes creative design, design realization of a very demanding layout with many tables and graphs, and preparation for printing.
Estimated volume 100 pages.

Informative price:

from €3,300 onwards

It does not include photography, purchasing photographic materials, translation and proofreading of texts, and printing. We can offer all of the above as an option.

Prices are excluding VAT..
Graphic design price list valid from 1. 9. 2024 further.
